Miami Crew

All Access Pass to Miami Events

Friday, November 4, 2011

Grovetoberfest Sponsors

Peacock Park is a prime location for any festival because of its large and empty field.  All guests were given a novelty Grovetoberfest shot glass to use as a tasting cup upon entry.  Although the cost of production for each shot glass may have been pricey, it benefited the event’s reputation by promoting an eco-friendly way to taste a variety of over 125 beers.  VIP guests received a novelty Grovetoberfest beer glass upon exiting the event. 

I rely on Camel Cigarettes promotion to be present at most of the festivals that I attend.  The company sponsorship isn’t hard to miss because they always have the same, large and mysterious tent set up in a corner of the festival.  The tent is intriguing even if you’re not a smoker.  Too bad the line is always longer than I want to wait.  I decided to wait in line behind six other guests.  I was in and out of the tent before I knew it.  Free cigarettes are worth it- Thanks Camel! 

Fiat Cars are making a comeback!
Is there a better location to promote a car than at a festival, especially a beer festival?  Talking people into liking something (with the intent of making a future purchase) is easier to do to a tipsy person.  During a tour of the car, I asked a Fiat sponsor why the company chose this specific event to promote Fiat.  The sponsor commented, “Grovetoberfest is the perfect event for the perfect market.  Fiats are affordable, fashionable and value college students.”

An audience formed around the stage to watch The Spam Allstars music performance. 

Grovetoberfest marks the the second event I’ve attended, for a discounted price, thanks to LivingSocial.  Unfortunately, a similar incidence from the other event occurred at Grovetoberfest and caused me to evaluate its organizational strategy.  It was obvious that too many tickets were sold.  The event was not prepared for an excess number of guests who all wanted to get their spent money worth of beer, select hors d'oeuvres, free koozies and bottle openers.  I considered how well the Grovetoberfest campaign team communicated with Living Social about how many tickets to sell.  The effectiveness of communication can make or break the success of an event.  Due to rain and sudden disinterest to fight my way through remaining beer tasting lines, I left ten minutes before the scheduled event ending and was lucky to get one of the last novelty Grovetoberfest beer glasses.

1 comment:

  1. Good and fair assessment. We are working on making 2012 better and more fluid (figuratively and literally). Thanks for coming!

    Chief Sample Taster, Grovetoberfest
