Miami Crew

All Access Pass to Miami Events

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Sleepless Success!

Miami is one of three cities that hold the annual Nuit Blanche in the U.S.
There are 16 Nuit Blanche event locations throughout the world, but Miami, New York and Minneapolis are the only cities in the U.S. that launch the event.  A Sleepless Night is Miami's version of the international Nuit Blanche.  Miami celebrates it's diverse culture, love of the arts and a variety of talent for one night of sleepless chaos.

 Mayor of Miami Beach, Matti Herrera Bower states, "Sleepless Night demonstrates how powerful and beneficial our partnerships with the artistic, corporate and philanthropic communities can truly be.  By working collaboratively and bringing together a broad range of sectors and hundreds of talented artists, we can enrich lives."

A Sleepless Night spread throughout Miami Beach in four zones: 71st, Collins Ave, Bustelo Zone 3 on Lincoln Road and Washington Ave.

After 30 minutes of searching for parking, my first stop was Lincoln Road. 

I was wide awake,
thanks to Cafe Bustelo sponsorship and promotional espresso giveaway.
Zone 3 Sponsor, Cafe Bustello,
supplied guests with iced coffee promotional samples for their new product. 

The U.S. Premiere of Livio Tragtenberg's "The Cabinet of Dr. Strange" was held in the cage below on Lincoln Road from 6 pm-12 am.
This was the weirdest performance I saw the entire evening.
The Cabinet of Dr. Strange presented an interactive installation/performance with a growing audience.
The side of the cage read, "Please feed the composer with images and sounds.  The composer is an extinct animal."
Inside the cage, Dr. Strange holds out his microphone through the barred cage to audience members who are free to express sounds in any way (sing, scream, laugh) a young man even rapped into the microphone.

My favorite event of the evening: John Lennon Educational Tour Bus!
Located outside The Betsy was John Lennon Educational Tour Bus.
Displayed below are photos I took inside the bus.  As you can see, the bus is a sound recording studio.
John Lennon dreamed of designing a traveling recording studio that would go from school to school to enhance the creativity of youth students to produce music.
For the passed 11 years, the tour bus has established exactly what John Lennon wanted.
This is a multi-million dollar recording studio.

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